Shop My Feral Family Collection
I use my camera to open a dialog between myself and my subjects in order to form relationships with and to learn more about the people I meet. My usual topics revolve around central themes of social discord, cultural exploration, and personal experiences. In this project, I approached my subjects in much the same way. However, unlike my usual subjects, this time I formed a relationship with a colony of feral cats in my own backyard.
For years I noticed these cats had become a recurring subject in my other bodies of work. In early 2014 I signed up for Instagram and began sharing images of the cats with friends. What began as a few images turned into a steady stream of photographs that focused on how individual cats interacted and how the colony struggled to survive illness, weather and life with each other. These images revealed the personalities expressed by each individual and how they function together as a colony. The work also became a way to promote Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Release (TNVR) programs, such as the one that helped us provide medical aid and birth control for the entire colony, free of charge.
Burn Magazine | FeatureShoot | Slate | New York Times | HAFNY | OAI13 | HuffPost
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